Friday, May 28, 2010


Buenos Tardes Meanies,

Would you prefer to curse in front of your child or let your child hear it from a street urchin? Well I grew up around folks always cursing like sailors. I never repeated the words because I would get my ass whooped for repeating anything a adult said. I try my very best not to curse around children because their sponges and obviously why would you want the blame on you.

As parents, explain to children that people are gonna use bad words to express themselves and that they should never repeat them. Don't you hate it when a child curses and the parents find it funny ? And before you know the child is running around calling everyone a ho, bitch, and motherfucker etc. It makes the parent look bad.

Everyone has their preferences but when you have children you should mold them from when their younger. You wait til they're older and your child will flat out ask you why you didn't do it when they were younger....and that's embarrassing /disrespectful but then again you made that choice.

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