Thursday, May 6, 2010

He Told Me

Welcome Meanies !

As a child my father would call me stupid, he hated that I looked /acted just like my mother. He'd made sure to let me know wherever we were. He wanted to control everything. Almost everything I wore was a problem, me going to church was a problem unless he was there, people would be scared to say hi or hug me because after I'm gone he would threaten them.

After awhile of constantly hearing negatives things like that you start to believe it. It feels like you're never gonna get out of that situation and you're always unhappy. He would say the most negative things you could think of especially when I didn't want to do what he said or wanted. He would talk bad about my mother to me saying she didn't want me and she couldn't take care of me like how he can. His version of taking better care of me was taking me to various women houses. He would tell me these things so that when I would see my mother I would beg for him. But it never worked because I was always excited to see my mother. I was always happy with her drama free. He hated that I would have so much fun with my mom that at one point he told me I couldn't see her again. But by him telling me all these negative things it was suppose to make me love him more than my mother. Who does that?

Parenting is not a competition of let's see which parent our child is going to love more. My mother never spoke bad about my father to me because she said I knew you would get older and you would see for yourself.
That's the great part about growing up you get the chance to make your own perceptions of the world and not have someone telling you what to think.

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